We live on base, in a beautiful home. However!!!!, our floors are horrible. They look like the floors in a school cafeteria that was built in the 80's. I am not exaggerating.
I am a freak about my floors. With two dogs and two boys under the age of 3, these floors get dirty FAST! I sweep every day (75% of our home is tile...excuse me, laminate), and mop every two days. Sometimes you will see me mopping every other day.
I had tried pinesol, vinegar, mr clean, steam mops, and mop n glow. Most do the job, but with a little bit of elbow grease. I use a libman mop that has a cloth head, and can be tossed in the wash. Most of my friends are always saying how great the floors look...they better look DAMN good!!! Well...let me tell YOU!! I found a great mix! I found it on Pinterest.
Its a MUST and can be used on any floors.
Magic and amazing floor cleaner: (I named it)
*2 gallons of very warm water
*1/4 cup Baking Soda
*1/4 cup vinegar
* teaspoon of dish soap
Put the BS in the water first and let it dissolve. Then, put in the vinegar. Once the bucket (I use my kitchen sink. Dirty water section and clean water section), put in the soap. If you put in too much soap, the suds will cause streaks on your floor.
:) Happy Mopping!
I use this too, but I use too much soap! THAT'S why there's streaks! I just assumed more soap=more clean. Der.