Thursday, October 24, 2013

A quick look on my 3rd pregnancy

I am now 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant with my 3rd son. And yes, I count each day and minute of this pregnancy. This won't be a long post, especially since my 3 year old just woke up and is already asking for blue cookies. (he has never had blue cookies, by the way)

As I have said in previous posts, every pregnancy is different. This pregnancy has KICKED.MY.ASS. I can't count how many times I thought I was in labor this go around. I have actually gone to Triage because I thought my water broke and I was leaking. NOPE...I was PEEING ON MYSELF. At the good ole age of nearly 30 (birthday is this month), and already having two healthy would THINK I would know what it was like to PEE ON MYSELF. I am one of those that TRY not to complain too much during pregnancy, given most of my friends can't carry or conceive. But, it seems this time..I have complaints coming out of my mouth like Chelsea Handler has the Fbomb coming out of hers.

Caring for two young ACTIVE toddlers is hard to do while pregnant. People will say, "you are super mom".."i don't know how you do it"..."you are so good at this". They are ON CRACK. Ask my husband and those around me how I really am! I am one of the most honest people that will not hold anything back.

My true feelings right might upset some. Sorry. But why LIE about how I feel?

- I am READY to have this baby boy. Just not to meet him. Not because I am uncomfortable (that might be 30% of it). BECAUSE...I need to get back to being consistent and disciplining my other two rug rats before they turn into the Diaz Brothers from MMA. I am limited on what I can do right now, and they are INSANE.

- Heartburn is a bitch. I look at water and feel like a fire breathing dragon.

- Hemorrhoids are a pain in the ass. hehe

- I do love talking about pregnancy with others and all of my different experiences...while rubbing my belly. =)

- I worry daily about this baby.

- I am ready to start breastfeeding...only to be DONE with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing if you are able to do it. I BF for 9 months with my first, no problems. With my second, it lasted 4 months. With this one, If I have to start cutting things out of my diet....he's getting formula. Hey, judge me..go ahead...If I am breastfeeding or formula feeding..I am FEEDING my child. I will BF for the most 9 months if it works out that way. But, I am ready to have my boobies back. I have been pregnant or breastfeeding for 4 years now....cut me some slack.

- I am TIRED of maternity clothes.

- TMI: I am ready to see my chooch again so I can groom properly and not guess what I am doing down there.

- I AM TERRIFIED that I will FREAK OUT on everybody like I did after I had my second. I really am. My anxiety was so high, but atleast I know what to look for this time.

- I am excited this is my last pregnancy, but a little sad at the same time. The excitement of the positive pregnancy test (if you are planning) is a feeling that will always be remembered. But, three is enough for our family and there is no way in HELL I can take care of 4 kids. I can hardly handle the two...poor Zachary will be in an Ergo carrier forever while I am chasing after Grady and Parker.

Looking forward to writing about my labor/ out! come out! come out!

1 comment:

  1. Love your honesty....The words that came out of your mouth are the same thoughts that 99.99999 % of women that have been pregnant and raising children..That tiny percent is either dishonest or live somewhere other then this planet. Twenty nine years later I still remember the excitement of finding out that I was pregnant and the nine months I carried him and all the years of raising him..And that was just one pregnancy and one child....Some days I didn't think I would survive...but looking back on it I wouldn't trade it for anything...just as I know you won't have any regrets...Thanks for speaking for every mother..whether they want to admit it or you girl..
