- Maybe I should read between the lines. -Maybe they are trying to help understand my feelings.
- Maybe their mouth is moving faster than their brain.
- Maybe, just MAYBE not everyone can read my mind!
Once I started realizing these things, I wasn't walking around picking a fight with others in my head.
Touchy subjects for everyone. Things that people could potentially get offended by:
- Suicide. This is a HUGE touchy subject for me. Recently, I lost one of the closest people to me to this. My heart is still broken and I am trying to wrap my head around it, still. Just about every single one of my friends asked "why" this person did it. It took everything I had to not curse them out. I threw my phone after reading all of those text messages..."omg Steph..why". But, now I look back and realize, they didn't know what to say. This might be better,"I am so sorry, how are you". But, they couldn't read my mind. Not their fault.
-Religion. We all have our own views. If you get ANGRY about somebody else's views....just, well...get off your high horse
-Politics. Pretty much the same as religion. Touchy and heated subject. You can't have a conversation about political views with a closed minded person. Simple as that. They will get offended.
Having children. "Omg, why would you want three?","Wow, you have your hands Full" , "eww, you might have to get a minivan", "you aren't consistent enough", "why is he not talking", "why is he throwing a tantrum", "don't vaccinate", "do vaccinate", "you need to spank his butt". That is just a small list of several statements from people. Most that come from those without toddlers, without children, grandparents that forgot how children act, and some that just need to keep their mouth shut. For the longest time, I got so upset and offended. Then, I realized..
- maybe I do need to do some things different
-maybe I need to look at the source.
- Maybe I am a good parent and I am being too hard on myself, due to what others are saying to me.
Vaccinating vs not vaccinating. I have never looked at another parent and criticized them for not vaccinating their children. It was their decision...why make them feel shitty??? I will say, I know several parents that have made ME feel shitty FOR vaccinating my own children. Just realize we have our own views and opinions and You look like the uneducated one making others feel bad about trying to protect our children to their knowledge.
Infertility: this is one I have witnessed many friends get upset over. Unfortunately, I have more friends that can't get pregnant, can't carry, or even find a partner to try with...than I do that don't have issues. So, when I give advice, it's usually to let others know...hey you aren't alone. You aren't the only woman in the world that can't have a baby. It's trying to encourage you and keep you positive. But, MOST don't look at it that way. Most don't want to hear it from a woman that can look at her husbands boxers and get pregnant. I have learned over the years what I should and shouldn't say to an infertile friend. Most just want somebody to listen. And if you try to say something encouraging...some may or may not look at it as encouraging. Just depends on how open minded they are. For the most part, what I have been told...things not to say to an infertile couple:
- "everything happens for a reason"
- "my friends sisters couldn't get pregnant for 6 months,I understand"
- "just adopt"
Marriage Counseling. Holy shit balls. You tell somebody you are in marriage counseling, they automatically think you are getting a divorce. How about try to say "I am so glad you are trying to communicate better"....that sounds a lot better than "oh NO, I am so sorry". Lord people!!!!
College. Hey, it's for some..not everyone. Don't question somebody why they didn't go. I don't ask somebody "why are you going to college".
Breast feeding. This is the Mothers choice. As long as she is feeding her baby, shut up. There is Breast Feeding and formula feeding....get the word...feeding!!!! This is a whole other Blog post....
Anxiety/depression. I wouldn't wish this on my own worst enemy. Once again, another Blog Post on its own
So, I am sure left so much out but this was just an idea! So, before you open your mouth...stop and think. I am trying to. But, also remember....take things with a grain of salt. Life is too short to walk around pissed off all the time. Frowns cause wrinkles too....gross.