Thursday, June 20, 2013

Home made Playdough

I remember making Playdough at VBS, in kindergarten, and with my Mom. Now that I have toddlers, I started making our own. I am not a fan of the smell of the store bought...especially pregnant!

I have only tried two homemade recipes.

Oatmeal Playdough and Rubbery Playdough

We like the Oatmeal recipe because its a no bake and has tons of texture!!! Here's the recipe:
1 cup of flour
2 cups oatmeal
1 cup water

And we always had food coloring! I highly recommend adding the food coloring to the water. I actually add more flour so it's not so sticky.

NOW, I tried the Rubbery Playdough recipe today and actually took pictures of the process. This is one that has to he cooked, but doesn't take long at all!!!

2 cups baking soda
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup cornstarch
(And food coloring...duh!)

I preferred this recipe over the oatmeal due to the texture and smell. It took a little longer, but much better! It does get a little sticky on your fingers, but so does store bought Playdough.

Place in saucepan and mix with fork until smooth.

Add the food coloring!

Boil over medium until thick....mixing in between so it doesn't stick to pan (about 8 minutes)

Spoon onto wax paper, plate, cutting board...whatever you want!

Let it cool before you knead it a few times. It's hot,baby!!!!
My three year old, Grady is loving it!!!

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