Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Delivery of our Prince Parker

So, this is a continued post from my pregnancy with Parker, our second son.

On New Years Eve, I went to Triage for contractions 8-10 minutes apart. I had chosen to go natural, considering I had nerve damage from my epidural from my first delivery (yes, that sucked). Since I had chosen to go natural, the nurses decided to let me go home and come back when my contractions were about 5 minutes apart. PS, I was already dilated to a 4 1/2 and 90%effaced! So, as we were texting our friend that we were coming home, Parkers heart rate started dropping. When you see a medical professional have that "oh shit" look on their face, you tend to lose all the color in your own face! They contacted my doctor, that was actually already in the hospital, and told me I was being admitted right away. They weren't exactly sure why his heart rate was dropping, but it was obviously a concern.

I was scared to death. You always picture going in to the hospital, everything fine and dandy..get your epidural...and bam, there's your baby. However, luckily I knew better. I knew there was a reason my body told me to go to the hospital that afternoon. Thank God I listened!!! By the time I was hooked up to all the fun machines and such, they broke my water AND hooked me up to Pitocin. For those that have not read my other post about my first delivery will soon learn..I HATE.PITOCIN. IT'S THE DEVIL'S BLOOD. I knew right there, SHIT, this baby better come because contractions with Pitocin are a B I T C H and I don't want another epidural. They told me it would be 5-7 hours before I delivered, so Nathan went home to check on Grady. A few of my girlfriends actually came up to the hospital to sit with me while I was in labor. FUN WAY TO SPEND NEW YEARS!!!!

So, they broke my water and hooked me up to Pitocin by 7pm, so my contractions were coming on STRONG. I was sitting on a birthing ball (it does help the pressure, I promise) and fluids are leaking out everywhere. My friends were saying "you are doing look fabulous.." It was pretty awesome, but I knew they were full of it. I yelled at the nurse a few times to lower my Pitocin because it got to the point where I wasn't able to take a break between contractions. She got yelled at by my doctor for actually lowering it for me HAHA Around 8 I told the girls to go get Nathan. The pressure was getting intense and I had no clue when Parker was going to make his presence.

Around 9 PM it was to the point that I couldn't talk, couldn't breathe, and wanted to take the baby out MYSELF. I SOMEHOW told Nathan I wanted an epidural. It was a hard call, because I was so scared of nerve damage again. I had talked myself and Nathan into a natural birth. But, I sucked up my pride and said SCREW IT. I was stuck at a 5 and was loosing strength to even breathe. I got my epi at 930 and I knew right away that it was inserted correctly. I was still able to move my toes and my legs!!!! So, this small story is a little TMI, but SO FUNNY. When you have an epi, you have to get a catheter. So, as she was inserting it...I started to pee....EVERYWHERE. It was coming out like the fountains at the Mirage in Vegas. I am not even joking. So..I peed on my nurse. Luckily, she was an old stoner and thought it was awesome...but, back to my labor/delivery. Nathan went to the vending machine to get a snack and I told the nurse I was feeling a lot of pressure. She decided to check me. Remind you, I was a 5 when I got my epidural. It was about 11pm and I was at a 10!!!! Nathan walked in, and was SHOCKED. We thought we would get some shut eye for a few hours. nope. We were told that the epi helped me relax, helping my uterus contract regularly and to dilate faster. win win.

We could hear women delivering all over the hallway. There was a total of 14 women delivering that night. Most wanted that tax break for having the baby before midnight. Well, once word got out that I was pushing at 11:30pm...EVERY.SINGLE.NURSE. was in our room screaming "PUUUSSSHHHH". We were all making jokes...and I was already so excited to have two babies born on drinking Holidays.

I will say, pushing Parker was a little more difficult. He was at a higher station when I started pushing, so it was a little bit of an exercise. I had scar tissue from my incision from Grady, so his big ole head was having some issues getting through it. So, she cut me. SNIP SNIP. Sounded like chopping a head of lettuce. no joke.

Sure enough...I had Parker Nolan at 12:01am. That kid was screaming while his butt was still in my vagina....I was like "oh boy...he will be a pleasant baby". All of the nurses were so excited to call the other hospitals. WE HAD THE 2012 TUCSON BABY!!!! We were SO EXCITED!!!!

I was able to move around after my epidural was removed...immediately. I got to enjoy so much more in the beginning with Parker. He was 8lbs 10oz...I kept calling him small. No, he wasn't small. He was just smaller than Grady HAHAHA

I honestly don't remember too much from that point on until about 8am in the morning. We were exhausted. I had to get ready for two news stations to arrive for filming. Of course, I did my hair and makeup...DUR!!!!!!

It was so much fun sharing our story, but the news did change it up a bit. Get a woman going on 3 hours of sleep, crazy hormones, and ask her about her husband possibly deploying. She will BAWL HER EYES OUT. I looked makeup looked good..but I looked insane.

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