Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sneaky smoothie for a toddler

My 3 year old does not eat veggies. I usually have to hide them in calzones or muffins. So, I started reading about smoothies. I have never been a smoothie fan...at all. However, I know Grady loved anything that is sweet and looks like a slushy.

This is the first time I have made a smoothie with so many ingredients. The only reason I used so many is because well...I needed to get rid of some things in my fridge!!!!

I used:
Kale (two leaves, minus the stems)
handful of blueberries
about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
strawberry yogurt (My 3 year old isn't a fan of milk, and needs some more calcium! I also thought this would help with the sweetness)
6 icecubes
and a splash of applejuice. I didn't want the smoothie to be too runny.
The consistency was perfect for a toddler because it was thick...but still runny enough to drink from a straw without getting clogged up.

This is NOT a good looking smoothi. It almost looks like a funfetti smoothie. hahaha
Grady, was so excited to try it! He helped me put the fruits/veggies in so I think that made him more interested. He finished his entire cup. I am still working on mine. I won't add lemon juice next time! But hey, next time I will add more veggies to sneak in his precious daily meal!!!!

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